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6. The progressive form
6.1. The active verb and the stative verb
The verbs can be classified into the active verb and the stative verb. The progressive form expresses a durative act, therefore, the active verb is usually used.
But it does not always express the duration, and the stative verb can sometimes be used.
It needs to explain the two kinds of the verbs before the progressive form

a. the active verbs

arrive, come, die, drink, drive, eat, get and go, jump, leave, play, read, start, stay, wait, write

b. the stative verbs
believe, belong, know, like, love, see, smell, think

The active verbs express an act and the stative verbs express a state.
Moreover, the active verb can be classified into the completive verb and the incompletive verb.

a. the completive verbs
arrive, come, die, get and go, jump, leave, start

b. the incompletive verbs
drink, drive, eat, play, read, stay, wait, write

The completive verbs express completive acts, and a repeated act with the progressive form. This is explained in 6.2.2. The incompletive verbs express the continuous act.

Moreover, the completive verbs tend to co-occur with "at", and the incompletive verbs tend to co-occur with "far."

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