
確 認 問 題



1.The villa is cleanedtwice a week and linen is changed weekly.
The villa cleaned
The villa is clean
The villa cleaned is
The villa clean is

2.Most of the UK's maize gluten supply is import is direct.
Most of the UK's maize gluten supply imported direct.
Most of the UK's maize gluten supply is imported direct.
Most of the UK's maize gluten supply imported is direct.
Most of the UK's maize gluten supply import is direct.

3.Paul was invitedto give a series of public lectures at the school.
Paul invited
Paul was invite
Paul invited was
Paul invite was

4.The present church built wason the opposite side of the road in 1814.
The present church built
The present church was build
The present church was built
The present church build was

5.The film madefrom woodpulp.
The film is made
The film is make
The film made is
The film make is


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