
確 認 問 題


基本的な接続詞について、( )の日本語に注意をしながら、最も適切な文を選択してください。

1.(なぜならば)I didn't go to the party, before I was tired.
I didn't go to the party, after I was tired.
I didn't go to the party, because I was tired.

2.(前に)I always have breakfast because I go to school.
I always have breakfast before I go to school.
I always have breakfast after I go to school.

3.(後に)We went home because we saw the movie.
We went home after we saw the movie.
We went home before we saw the movie.

4.(前に)It will be close to midnight before the game ends.
It will be close to midnight before the game will end.

5.(前に)These things will be resolved before the work is completed.
These things will be resolved before the work will be completed.


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