
確 認 問 題


asの使い方について、( )の日本語に注意をしながら、最も適切な文を選択してください。

1.(〜として)Roger as a classicist saw him.
Roger saw him as a classicist.
Roger saw him a classicist as.
Roger saw him as classicist.

2.(〜として)He studied a schoolboy as.
He as a schoolboy studied.
He studied as a schoolboy.
He studied schoolboy.

3.(〜として)As part of the working crew, they also gained first-hand knowledge about operating a ship.
Part of as the working crew,
Part of the working as crew,
Part of the working crew as,

4.(〜をしながら)As then they roared awaythey machine-gunned the buildings.
Then they roared away as
Then they as roared away
Then as they roared away

5.(〜をしながら)As we were talking, she came up.
We were talking, she came up as.
We were as talking, she came up.
We as were talking, she came up.


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