
確 認 問 題


( )の日本語に注意をしながら、最も適切な文を選択してください。

1.(〜をしたかもしれない)I can't have broken a bone in my right hand.
I may have broken a bone in my right hand.
I must have broken a bone in my right hand.

2.(〜をしたかもしれない)I may have already sent this.
I can't have already sent this.
I must have already sent this.

3.(〜をしたかもしれない)She must have forgotten about it.
She can't have forgotten about it.
She may have forgotten about it.

4.(〜をしたはずがない)I can't have been there.
I may have been there.
I must have been there.

5.(〜をしたはずがない)I may have done that.
I can't have done that.
I must have done that.

6.(〜をしたはずがない)Mary may have told a lie.
Mary can't have told a lie.
Mary must have told a lie.

7.(〜だったにちがいない)She must have been nearly seventy.
She may have been nearly seventy.
She can't have been nearly seventy.

8.(〜だったにちがいない)She can't have really wanted to.
She must have really wanted to.
She may have really wanted to.

9.(〜だったにちがいない)He may have been uncomfortable.
He can't have been uncomfortable.
He must have been uncomfortable.


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