
英語喫茶てはじめの英語学習疑問詞④ 10日目>howの程度について 選択式確認問題


How old does Cathy?
How old is Cathy?
How is old Cathy?
How does old Cathy?
How old Cathy is?
How old Cathy does?

How big do these fish grow?
How big are these fish grow?
How big these fish grow?
How big these fish grew?
How big these fish are grow?

How many times did you try?
How many times were you try?
How many times you try?
How many times you tried?
How many times you did try?
How many times you were try?

How much time you are spend each day on the phone?
How much time are you spend each day on the phone?
How much time you spend each day on the phone?
How much time you spent each day on the phone?
How much time you do spend each day on the phone?
How much time do you spend each day on the phone?

How much money you did have in your bag?
How much money were you have in your bag?
How much money you have in your bag?
How much money you had in your bag?
How much money did you have in your bag?
How much money you did had in your bag?



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