
英語喫茶基礎からの英語学習義務のhave toと義務、推量のmust Day13>義務や必要のhave to について 選択式確認問題


She has to train people.
She has train people.
She have to train people.
She have train people.

He have to work hard in the fields.
He has work hard in the fields.
He has to work hard in the fields.
He have work hard in the fields.

I have to explain a little about this.
I have explain a little about this.
I has to explain a little about this.
I has explain a little about this.

Are you have to go to work now?
Do you have to go to work now?
Have you to go to work now?
Have you go to work now?

Does she have to type the essay?
Does she has to type the essay?
Is she have to type the essay?
Have she to type the essay?
Have she type the essay?
Has she to type the essay?

Have he to study at night then?
Does he has to study at night then?
Is he has to study at night then?
Does he have to study at night then?
Have he study at night then?
Has he to type at night then?

I haven't wait long.
I haven't to wait long.
I don't have wait long.
I don't have to wait long.

She hasn't come inside.
She doesn't have come inside.
She haven't to come inside.
She hasn't to come inside.
She haven't come inside.
She doesn't have to come inside.

They don't have to worry the essay.
They haven't to worry the essay.
They don't have worry the essay.
They haven't worry the essay.



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