―There are a cafe and a spacious hall and so on in the International Center. In addition, classes to teach English to overseas students are there. In the hall, Bellini was talking to a few overseas students as they were sitting on a sofa. And then Sherry and Pina were coming.―
"Oh, Pina, today you take a friend, don't you?" Bellini noticed us and talked.
"Oh dear, next to you, are you Sherry?"
I'm glad that you remember my name.
"I'm surprised, she might already know about you," Pina looked at me and said.
"Ah ・・・ my keeper, Rickey sometimes talk to her. I have seen her a few times but only once or twice. I'm glad that Bellini remembered my name."
Seems I am making an excuse.
"Huh," Pina said. I was stared at by her playfully.
Bellini is apparently of the same age as Rickey.
She teaches overseas students English but she is a part-time lecturer.
That's why Rickey often comes here to see her.
She came to the university recently.
When Rickey saw her for the first time, he might fall in love with her at first sight.
"How did you get to know each other? It's very interesting," Bellini said with a chuckle.
―Then Rickey was coming.―
Are you O.K, Rickey? No, you look pale.
spacious 広々とした
and so on など
in addition ほかに、さらに
remember 思い出す;覚えている
excuse いいわけ、弁解
stare じっと見つめる
playfully はしゃいで、ふざけて
apparently 明白;みたところ
part-time パートタイム、非常勤
chuckle くすくす笑う
pale 青ざめた、青白い
「どうやって2匹は知り合ったの? 本当におもしろいね。」ベリーニが笑いながら言った。
―There are a cafe and a spacious hall and so on in the International Center. In addition, classes to teach English to overseas students are there. In the hall, Bellini was talking to a few overseas students as they were sitting on a sofa. And then Sherry and Pina were coming.―
"Oh, Pina, today you take a friend, don't you?" Bellini noticed us and talked.
"Oh dear, next to you, are you Sherry?"
I'm glad that you remember my name.
"I'm surprised, she might already know about you," Pina looked at me and said.
"Ah ・・・ my keeper, Rickey sometimes talk to her. I have seen her a few times but only once or twice. I'm glad that Bellini remembered my name."
Seems I am making an excuse.
"Huh," Pina said. I was stared at by her playfully.
Bellini is apparently of the same age as Rickey.
She teaches overseas students English but she is a part-time lecturer.
That's why Rickey often comes here to see her.
She came to the university recently.
When Rickey saw her for the first time, he might fall in love with her at first sight.
「どうやって2匹は知り合ったの? 本当におもしろいね。」ベリーニが笑いながら言った。
"How did you get to know each other? It's very interesting," Bellini said with a chuckle.
―Then Rickey was coming.―
Are you O.K, Rickey? No, you look pale.
Seems I am making an excuse.
excuse には「いいわけ」、「弁解」という意味があります。
poor excuse で「下手ないいわけ」という意味になります。
I made a poor excuse.
That's not a good excuse. は、直訳すると「よいいいわけではない」という意味です。これは、「それはいいわけにもならない。」という意味で使うことができます。
これにたいして、That's a good excuse. や、That's a fine excuse. は「よいいいわけ」という意味です。少し皮肉が入った意味として使うことができます。
また、That's just an excuse. は、「それはいいわけにすぎない。」という意味になります。
"How did you get to know each other? It's very interesting," Bellini said with a chuckle.
「どうやって2匹は知り合ったの? 本当におもしろいね。」ベリーニが笑いながら言った。
How did you get to know ~ は、「どうやって知り合いになったの」という意味です。
get to のない How did you know? は、「どうしてわかったのですか?」というようにたずねることができます。
Where did you go last summer vacation?
Well, I went sightseeing in Hokkaido.
Oh, that's great. Did you eat crab?
Yes, I ate crab. How did you know?
Talking of Hokkaido, I associate it.
When Rickey saw her for the first time, he might fall in love with her at first sight.
fall in love with her at first sight は「彼女に一目惚れをする」という意味です。
with の後に「人」をおいて、「~に一目惚れをする」という意味になります。
英語喫茶の基礎からの英語学習とやさしい英会話の表現等は、大学の先生方の協力により細部までチェックを入れて作成しています。 |